The election process for the Governing Council has officially commenced with the establishment of the electoral committee.

Interested candidates for the available positions are now invited to express their interest.

Positions available:

  •  President
  • Vice President South

  • Vice President North

  • Zonal Coordinators representing the nation’s six geopolitical zones, namely: North Central, North East, North West, South East, South West, and South South.

General eligibility requirements

The position of the President is only open to current president and vice presidents, while the vice presidents’ positions are only open for serving zonal coordinators. The positions of Zonal Coordinators are open to all revalidated members (up to April 2024) who meet the specified criteria.

Eligibility Criteria for Aspirants

President Position

  • Must have been a fellow member for at least three years.

  • Only the president and vice presidents are eligible to run for the post of the President.

  • Individuals who have served two terms as president are not allowed to contest for the position of chairman.

Vice President North

  • Must have been a fellow member for at least three years.

  • Must have held the office of Zonal Coordinator from the north zones, namely: North Central, North East, and North West.


Vice President South

  • Must have been a fellow member for at least three years.

  • Must have held the office of Zonal Coordinator from the respective south zones, namely: South East, South West, and South South.


Zonal Coordinators

  • Must hold a fellowship or chartered membership status.

  • Must have at least five years of project management experience in their professional field.

  • Aspirants can only run for the zones from which they are from.

Expression of Interest

on Monday, 9 September at 12:00 noon to Friday, 20 September at 11:59 PM

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Interested applicants should please click the link below:

Please, thoroughly review the eligibility criteria for each position before you apply